Friday, 16 January 2015

Our First Challenge: Minecraft + Fractions

Today in Grade 4 at West Bayfield we started off by reviewing our expectations for playing MinecraftPE on the iPads. Then we used Google Hangouts to connect with Scott McKenzie’s Grade 3/4 at New Dundee Public School.

Google Hangout with New Dundee PS

Scott and his students shared examples of ways they use Minecraft in their learning and
answered our questions. His students then challenged the grade 4s with their first creation task in Minecraft. 

They asked us: How many ways can you show fractions in your world?

Scott and I had discussed this idea pervious to our classroom Hangout. His advice was to give students a clear goal and task as this helps to keep the play focused on learning.

We said goodbye to our new friends and the Grade 4s got right to work building with a partner. We decided that after each example was finished the paired students would switch who was holding the iPad and building. As they finished an example, the students took a screenshot of their work (by pressing the home button and power button at the same time) and added the pictures to their Google Drive.

Screenshot of student work
 It was interesting listening to the students use math vocabulary as they were building. One pair was discussing how they were going to figure out the fraction and so they added the stone blocks on the side to help. Another pair was talking about how they knew the orange was 1/4 because the pieces were the same size. I even heard two students discussing how they could show fractions in the new house they had just built (complete with a fenced yard and pool!).

As students were sharing with each other at the end of the lesson, it was very clear from their energy that they were proud of their creations. One student told me: “Minecraft makes learning math fun!” This was awesome to hear as it linked back to one of our goals to promote positive math mindsets.

Screenshot of student work

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